Welcome to the Lamesa ISD Debt Transparency page. Some items on this page are updated monthly, some quarterly and some annually. You will find information on the LISD tax rate, debt and debt history which includes revenue, leases and bond elections. You will also find links to state debt and bond information. If you are interested in information you do not see on this page please check our Financial Transparency page as well. You may also make a public records request by using the information at the bottom of this page. The finance department at Lamesa ISD is committed to transparency to all stakeholders. Thank you for your interest.
Debt Transparency
Bond Transparency
Historical bond election information:
Election Date: May 5, 2018
Proposition Number: 1
Purpose: Construction, acquisition, renovation and equipment of school buildings in the district
Amount: $30,420,000
Status: Approved β 678/373
Election Date: May 12, 2012
Proposition Number: 1
Purpose: School Building
Amount: $23,900,000
Status: Defeated β 592/1221
Election Date: May 14, 2011
Proposition Number: 1
Purpose: School Building
Amount: $15,000,000
Status: Defeated β 484/708